
Witvissen algemeen / (onder) Lijnen, gevlochten draad, braid / Middy Pellet Bandum Rigs, 12"30cm. 6 stuks

Middy Pellet Bandum Rigs, 12"30cm. 6 stuks

Middy Pellet Bandum Rigs, 12"30cm. 6 stuks Middy Pellet Bandum Rigs, 12"30cm. 6 stuks
Middy Pellet Bandum Rigs, 12"30cm. 6 stuks Middy Pellet Bandum Rigs, 12"30cm. 6 stuks
Middy Pellet Bandum Rigs, 12"30cm. 6 stuks
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Middy Pellet Bandum Rigs, o.a 12".0.18mm, haak 16, trekkr 2.8 kg, haak 12-0.20mm-3.6kg/ haak 10-0.22mm-4.7kg These rigs are tied with a KM-2 hook to 12" 30cm of Lo-Viz line. Complete with a special b
€ 3,50
Prijs per stuk

6 stuks

These rigs are tied with a KM-2 hook to 12" 30cm of Lo-Viz line. Complete with a special banded hair attachment for attaching pellets. Available in five sizes.

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