
Friz grijs nylon , 150m

Friz grijs nylon , 150m
Friz grijs nylon , 150m
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Friz grijs nylon , 150m keuze uit 3 maten. 016mm// 2.4kg. 0.20mm/3.7 kg/ 0.25mm/5.5 kg trekkracht
€ 4,95
Prijs per stuk

Friz grijs nylon , 150m. : It’s an ideal choice when going fishing during the coldest days of the year. Because of its internal structure, low stretch, and high load-bearing capacity, this line is made primarily for ice fishing. The grey colour will be practically invisible beneath the water surface. This line has very low stretch that allows rapid detection of a bite.

Thanks to all the above-mentioned parameters, FRIZ line is an ideal companion on your fishing trips.

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